Space Marines
SubTitle 1
У безмежному просторі космосу, де зірки виграють свій власний симфонічний концерт, розкидаючи світлові краплини по чорному полотні Всесвіту, розгортається неймовірна сага космічних пригод.
SubTitle 2
Планети та галактики створюють унікальні космічні пейзажі, де кожен астрономічний об’єкт — це окрема історія великого Всесвіту.
SubTitle 3
В цьому величезному морі зірок кожна комета, кожна планета, кожна галактика є частиною великого таємничого танцю космосу.
Available on backorder
$ 22
We offer full-cycle services:
Add to Cart the miniatures
Assemble them
Magnetize and add conversions as requested
Add 3d printed parts/weapons as needed
Paint the miniatures in any color scheme you desire
For every 100$ (before tax) that you spend in our shop, you receive a 10 credits towards any unit upgrades you wish - conversions, magnetization, custom bases, etc. See the full list of options below. You retain credits between orders, your total $ spent is accumulated and tallied for the purposes of receiving credits, and once you have spent a total of 2000$, any further credit gain is increased by 20% (12 credits per 100$)
Notes about our service:
- All units come in the same compositions as their respective boxes. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need more information. For convenience, units have a number of models in them listed near their names (this includes small things like swarms, tokens, etc)
- Any units that are not currently available from GW will also be offered as unique sculpts or conversations using available miniatures. Such unique models will not cost extra, will look in the style of the rest of the army, be fully legal in competitions, and would be a great addition to your collection. You will be notified if such an upgrade is available for your order
- Most of the units can be magnetized to be able to have swappable weapons and we charge a flat 1 credit per magnet used. Reach out to learn more
- For any order with five or more miniatures, we will first complete one "test" figurine to get the color scheme right. We will re-do up to 3 times and continue for a fee until you like it.
- If there are any additional services that you would like to add to your order, such as unique basing decor, enemies for your models to slay, or custom 3d weapons or upgrades, please, reach out. We will be glad to discuss details and offer you options
- If there are any units or models that are not listed in the lot, do not hesitate to reach out. For models that are out of print or are too big to be listed at a fixed price we offer custom quotes.